Building json2table: Turn JSON into an HTML table

Building json2table: Turn JSON into an HTML table

Today we’ll build a dependency-free function that accepts…

  • Data in a JSON array

  • An optional space-separated list of classes

… then transforms the data and returns a string of HTML representing a table element with the specified classes.

The data passed to this function should be an array of JavaScript objects, each with the same properties. For example:

  { country: 'China',         population: 1379510000 },
  { country: 'India',         population: 1330780000 },
  { country: 'United States', population:  324788000 },
  { country: 'Indonesia',     population:  260581000 },
  { country: 'Brazil',        population:  206855000 },

Notice each object has a country property and a population property.

Our function will be called json2table and accepts a json argument and an optional classes argument.

function json2table(json, classes) {
  // Everything goes in here

First we’ll set up some variables.

var cols = Object.keys(json[0]);
var headerRow = '';
var bodyRows = '';

We want one table column per property. Since it can be assumed (or error-checked later) that each object has the same properties, the first line above grabs the the property names (keys) from the first object in the array and stores it in a variable called cols. The other two variables are empty strings for now and we’ll build them out in a minute.

Next, we’ll make sure that if no classes argument is passed, that the classes variable contains an empty string. This will be important later when we build the HTML string.

classes = classes || '';

Now I’m going to define a utility function that capitalizes the first letter of a string.

function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
  return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);

This function applies.toUpperCase() to .charAt(0) (the first character), then concatenates that with .slice(1) (the rest of the string).

Next, we loop over the list of keys and create column headers. {
  headerRow += '<th>' + capitalizeFirstLetter(col) + '</th>';

Now, theheaderRow variable contains a string of &lt;th&gt; elements.

Next, loop over the array and build a string of HTML table rows. {
  bodyRows += '<tr>;

  // To do: Loop over object properties and create cells

  bodyRows += '</tr>';

You can see how each row will begin with &lt;tr&gt; and end with &lt;/tr&gt;. Between each of those tags, we need to loop over the object properties and create cells (&lt;td&gt;s). This next part goes inside our loop above. {
  bodyRows += '<td>' + row[colName] + '<td>';

Finally, we just need to return the whole HTML string, including any classes passed to the function.

return '<table class=" +
       classes +
       '"><thead><tr>' +
       headerRow +
       '</tr></thead><tbody>' +
       bodyRows +

That’s it! If we pass our example arrow of objects from earlier…

var data= [
  { country: 'China',         population: 1379510000 },
  { country: 'India',         population: 1330780000 },
  { country: 'United States', population:  324788000 },
  { country: 'Indonesia',     population:  260581000 },
  { country: 'Brazil',        population:  206855000 },


We get a string of HTML representing a table.

<!-- Formatted for clarity -->

<table class="">
      <td>United States</td>

On a webpage, you could place this anywhere by writing something like this:

<!-- HTML -->
<div id="tableGoesHere"></div>

// JavaScript
document.getElementById('tableGoesHere').innerHTML = json2table(data);