SQL Query for Counting Records per Day

SQL Query for Counting Records per Day

This post is part of a project to move my old reference material to my blog. Before 2012, when I accessed the same pieces of code or general information multiple times, I would write a quick HTML page for my own reference and put it on a personal site. Later, I published these pages online. Some of the pages still get used and now I want to make them available on my blog.

Photo by [Daniel Chen](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1627409715482/EJHHBt-7O.html)Photo by Daniel Chen

This SQL query will add up the record count per day based on a column called “Timestamp.”

Transact SQL

SELECT    DATEPART(YEAR, Timestamp) AS 'Year',
          DATEPART(MONTH, Timestamp) AS 'Month',
          DATEPART(DAY, Timestamp) AS 'Day',
          COUNT(*) AS 'Visits'
FROM      tblVisits
          DATEPART(MONTH, Timestamp),
          DATEPART(YEAR, Timestamp)
ORDER BY  'Year',


The results of this query will appear as follows:

| Year | Month | Day | Visits |
| 2011 | 2     | 7   | 46     |
| 2011 | 2     | 8   | 40     |
| 2011 | 2     | 9   | 37     |
| 2011 | 2     | 10  | 36     |
| 2011 | 2     | 11  | 41     |