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Using flexbox doesn’t always produce the expected alignment, especially on the last row of a grid. When you use justify-content: space-between it will...
Are you trying to build a grid of elements? If so, you’ve probably noticed one size doesn’t fit every screen size. The modern solution is a responsive...
When quickly creating prototypes, color may play an important role. Especially for things like data visualization. However, choosing colors can be a...
Overlaying text on an image, or even a solid color, can get tricky. The text can very easily become too difficult to read. Scrim is one technique used...
I enjoy reading books from Project Gutenberg. If you haven’t heard of this project, it’s a repository containing tens of thousands of free eBooks. You...
One cool feature of CSS is the transition rules you can apply to elements. You can use transitions to animate icons when they are clicked. A burger...