This post is part of a project to move my old reference material to my blog. Before 2012, when I accessed the same pieces of code or general information multiple times, I would write a quick HTML page for my own reference and put it on a personal site. Later, I published these pages online. Some of the pages still get used and now I want to make them available on my blog.
Photo by Torkild Retvedt under CC BY-SA 2.0
This is a short list of frequently-used commands for OpenBSD. Many of them are common with most Unix-like platforms. The text is broken into sections designated by the titles in larger print. For each command, the text to type at the prompt will appear first, in monospace font. A short blurb describing the command then follows.
Logging Out and Shutting Down
Log current user out. Displays login: prompt for another user
Shut down the operating system. Same as typing shutdown -h now
Reboot the operating system. Same as typing shutdown -r now
Directory Management
Output what directory you’re currently in
cd x
Change directory to x
pushd x
Same as cd, but saves the directory you were in when you executed the command. Type popd to return to the saved directory
mkdir x
Make a new directory called x
rmdir x
Remove directory x
rm -r x
Remove directory x and all files and directories within
List files and directories in current directory. Use -l to get details, -a to get hidden files, -F to id executables, files, and directories
find / -name x
Search all directories for x
mkdir /mnt/sharename
sudo mount -f cifs //servername/sharename -o username=username,password=password /mnt/sharename
Mounts a Windows share called sharename on the server called servername. Replace username and password with appropriate credentials.
File Management
rm x
Remove file x
rm -r x
Remove directory x and all files and directories within
cp x.txt y.txt
Copy x.txt and name the copy y.txt
mv x.txt y.txt
Move (rename) x.txt to y.txt
df -h
Display disk usage. The -h switch makes numbers human-friendly
Disk Management
mount /wd0a files
Adds the disk wd0 (IDE primary master. wd1 would be IDE primary slave, etc) partition a to directory files. files must exist
umount files
Unmount the device mounted to the directory files
Unix manual. Type man x for a manual on a specific command
x | more
Filter that will pause and wait for user input when the command teakes up more than one screen
Elevate access to root privileges
ps -aux
See resources each process is using. Use | head -5 to just get the top 5 lines of the command
mail -s “x” y
Send email to y (email address) with subject x. Type your message and press Ctrl+D
alias x=’y’
Set an alias so when you type x, the command y executes
Text Viewing and Editing
cat x
Displays contents of file x on screen
Opens full-screen and provides file editing utilities. Exit by hitting Esc, type :wq to save and exit or :q! to exit without saving. Learn more about vi at
User Management
Create new user. Accept defaults for most prompts. Enter username and password when prompted. If you want user to have access to su, type wheel when prompted for what groups to invite user to
echo ‘x ALL=(ALL) ALL’ >> /etc/sudoers
Add existing user x to the sudoers list, giving them access to sudo command
Remove an existing user
cat /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f1 | grep -v \#
List existing users
See who you’re logged in as
See what users are currently logged in and what they’re doing
chsh -s /bin/ksh x
Change the default shell to ksh for user x
tar cvzf x.tgz y
Combine all files in directory y and write them to a file called x.tgz. Will be written back as a directory when extracted
tar tzf x.tgz
Display the contents of x.tgz
tar xvzf x.tgz
Extract contents of x.tgz in current directory
Apache Control
apachectl start
Start Apache web server
apachectl stop
Stop Apache
Adding Software
export PKG_PATH=
Sets the package path. This is the location new packages will be downloaded from
pkg_add -r -v x
Install package x
ssh x@y
Connect to an SSH server as x at location y
Generate private and public keys to use with public key authentication. You may leave default filename but enter a long passphrase (16+ characters).
After running, append ~/.ssh/ to server’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file using the command below.
cat x >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Allow client with public key x to connect using public key authentication. x can be found in client’s ~/.ssh/ file after running command above.
kill -HUP `cat /var/run/`
Restart SSH daemon after changing config file
kill x
Boot a remote user off SSH. x is the PID for their sshd process. The PID can be found by running ps -aux and finding the COMMAND labeled sshd: username
Helpful Links Adding a new hard drive disk
Reboot the operating system. Same as typing shutdown -r now