Introducing csval, an open source CSV data validator

Introducing csval, an open source CSV data validator

csval is a command-line tool and a JavaScript library that can check CSV files against a set of validation rules. Some of the rules you can check for include…

  • CSV file is actually valid itself and can be parsed

  • Presence of required fields

  • Mismatching types. For example, number vs string

  • Minimum and maximum lengths

  • Number ranges

  • Values from a fixed set of options

  • Regex pattern matching

  • Much more. Check the JSON Schema reference for more information

Command line tool installation

csval can be installed and used as a CLI. It does, however, require Node.js. If you have Node.js installed, you can install csval from the command line.

npm install -g csval

Using the command line tool

Once installed, it can be called anywhere using the csval command. Give the path to a CSV file as the first argument.

csval mydata.csv

Since no rules were specified above, the file is only checked to make sure it can be parsed correctly. As long as it’s a valid CSV file, it will pass validation. The CLI will show errors if they exist. Otherwise, it will display a success message.

If you pass in a rules file, the CSV file will be validated against the rules.

csval mydata.csv myrules.json

Again, the CLI will show parsing errors if they exist. When a rules file is specified as it is above, the CLI will also display any validation errors. Otherwise, it will display a success message.

The rules file

Rules files should follow the JSON Schema format. It describes what you should expect in each row. Here’s an example.

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "salary": {
      "type": "number"

Note that the line "type": "object" above is implied and can be left out if desired. I only included it here to demonstrate that this file should follow the JSON Schema format.

The rules above state that the “salary” field on each row must be a number.

This CSV file would pass:


This CSV file would fail:


Another rules file example

Here’s another example of a rules file.

  "properties": {
    "age": {
      "type": "number",
      "minimum": 0

With those rules, this CSV file would pass:


But this one would fail.


Required fields

You can require certain fields, as well. Consider this rules file.

  "properties": {
    "age": {
      "type": "number"
  "required": ["age"]

This CSV file would pass:


This one would fail:


There are many other possible rules. See the JSON Schema for more information.

Programmatic API

csval also comes as a JavaScript library. You can install it with npm.

npm install csval

Use it in your project like so.

const csval = require("csval");

const main = async () => {
  const csvString= "name,age\nJohn,30";

  const rules = {
    properties: {
      name: {
        type: "string"

  const parsed = await csval.parseCsv(csvString);
  const valid = await csval.validate(parsed, rules);

  // csval.validate will either throw an error or valid will be true


The code above uses inline CSV data and rules. You can also read CSV data and rules from files.

const csval = require("csval");

const main = async () => {
  const csvString= await readCsv("path/to/file.csv");
  const rules = await readRules("path/to/rules.json");
  const parsed = await csval.parseCsv(csvString);
  const valid = await csval.validate(parsed, rules);

  // csval.validate will either throw an error or valid will be true


Open source development and contribution

csval is open source and I welcome all pull requests. The code is hosted on GitHub.

If you’d like to fork or contribute, simply clone the git repository.

git clone

Change into the directory.

cd csval

And install dependencies.

npm install


csval has 100% test coverage at the moment. Tests are run via Jest.

npm run test

You can view test coverage information, as well.

npm run test:coverage


csval is written according to Prettier code format. You can lint all files for errors.

npm run lint

And automatically fix problems if possible.

npm run lint:fix


csval is licensed under the MIT license. I welcome all pull requests and contributions at the repository on GitHub.